lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

my name is shelcy daniela, i am 14 years old, I was a born march 18 ,2001

i am from bogota
i live with my mom , my sister and husband of my mother 

my mother is name leidy martinez, my sister is name maria paula and husband of my mother is jose 

i like to play , watching TV  ,sometimes read 
i like listen to music

 my best time is when i went to the beach with my father
my fahter is name manuel 

he has a new family

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

My name is shelcy daniela  pirachican Martinez was born on March 18, 2001 I have 14 years.
My mom called  leydi andrea Martinez is 30 years old my father  is called manuel pirachican is 34 years old.
I live with my mom, my husband the mi mom  is not my father  and my sister, maria paula she has 6 years .my father has a new  family ,girlfriend  called luz ,she has a son ,calles alejandro  14 years old .My father 2 sons Juan Diego is 5 years and yo.mi father is  teaches tennis .my mom works in a clinic .my familyis composed my granparents  , my aunts are my brothers,my mom and father  .with my parents, Jose and Maria  paula out much. in Joses family they have a tradition that is that all , the November we ride Sunday we left we leave for up to mosquera or melgar ..
I e studied  in several schools as crecer , the santisima eucaristia , Casablanca, Tabora, and san jose norte which is where I am at this time.